
Peru, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco, Zimbabwe
Conventional / Organic / Fairtrade
Primeale and Own label
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Mangetout are the pods of the pea plant. They are harvested very young, when the peas are barely developed. This ensures the tender and delicate flavour. Mangetout resemble sugar snaps, but are thinner and less sweet than sugar snaps due to the lack of peas. Mangetout are often boiled or stir-fried briefly so that they stay nice and crisp. But the mangetout is also very tasty when stewed.
Why Primeale United's mangetout?
- European player with over 15 years of experience
- Year-round supply security through a variety of cultivation locations
- Optimal cultivation guidance by our experienced agronomists
- Maximum shelf life due to 100% cooled chain
Origin and availability
Due to our many cultivation locations in countries such as Peru, Guatemala and Morocco, we can guarantee year-round cultivation of mangetout and supply them in large quantities.
Cultivation calendar Mangetout

Certification and safeguarding quality
Primeale United represents quality and does all it can to guarantee this. We ensure we have sufficient knowledge and expertise available to serve suppliers and clients optimally. All our products are compliant with the required certifications for food safety and social and environmental standards.
View all quality certificates