
Root crop
The Netherlands, Spain
Conventional / Organic
Primeale and Own label
Ask your account manager about the possibilities

Fennel is a product originating from Asia. The cultivation process of fennel requires a high degree of consistency for optimal growth. For the growth of fennel, a temperature of 16-18 degrees Celsius is optimal. Above 24 and below 7 degrees Celsius inhibits the growth of the fennel. This vegetable is very versatile. The green is used as a herb, the tuber as a vegetable and the seeds can be made into oil.
Why Primeale United's fennel?
- Multi-year cooperation with well-qualified cultivation partners
- Year-round supply through distribution of cultivation locations
Origin and availability
For most of the year, we deliver fennel from cultivation locations in The Netherlands. This way, we can supply the best fennel year-round.
Cultivation calendar fennel

Certification and safeguarding quality
Primeale United represents quality and does all it can to guarantee this. We ensure we have sufficient knowledge and expertise available to serve suppliers and clients optimally. All our products are compliant with the required certifications for food safety and social and environmental standards.